We Generated NFTs of Celebrities in 30 seconds. It Worked

Photo - We Generated NFTs of Celebrities in 30 seconds. It Worked
Got 30 seconds of spare time? You might as well generate an NFT for a famous person. Here’s the result we attained.
Not all of us have digital talent. But we can still generate the NFT we want—for example, those devoted to famous people. We tried creating several different NFTs via the AI NFT Generator.

All you have to do is write down a prompt and press the button. In 30-60 seconds, the system will generate them, and you’ll be able to deploy NFTs on the blockchain.

Here is what the result looks like in our case.
1. Donald Trump
ald Trump’s NFTs. Source: AI-Generated NFTs

ald Trump’s NFTs. Source: AI-Generated NFTs

Who doesn't enjoy going political every once in a while? That’s why our first NFT is devoted to the former president of the US, Donald Trump. Although serious criminal charges are pressed against him, the Donald is nowhere close to disappearing from the political scene and has even issued his own NFT collection. Known for his claims of making everything terrific, the AI depicted him more or less as you’d expect: serious and a bit orange too. His hair, however, is slightly blonder than in real life. Also, the last time we checked, he didn’t exactly look like a blonde girl. That said, it could be his daughter Ivanka, who is married to Jared Kushner, one of the former candidates for the position of Twitter’s CEO. Linda Yaccorino, however, successfully beat him

Still, we thank AI for doing a good job.

2. Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg’s NFTs. Source: AI-Generated NFTs

Mark Zuckerberg’s NFTs. Source: AI-Generated NFTs

Naughty. Very naughty. If you’re old enough, then you probably know the song that features this memorable intro. If not, no worries. All you have to do is look at some of the NFTs that the system generated for Mark Zuckerberg. Especially where he’s wearing colorful stockings and where he’s totally naked. Otherwise, the resemblance is quite solid. Perhaps even better than in Trump’s case.

Interestingly, Zuckerberg also wears T-shirts with logos that look only somewhat like those belonging to his companies, including Meta. It’s unclear why this is the case or what exactly “NEV ZA[]AS” is. We can only guess!

3. Natasha Lyonne
Ok, you were likely expecting an NFT devoted to Elon Musk, who's still up for a fight with Mark Zuckerberg despite his mom's prohibition to do so, which serves as yet another reminder that the fight club’s chief rule is never to tell your mom about it. 

Let’s focus on a good TV series instead, such as “Poker Face” with Natasha Lyonne, who rose to prominence after the first American Pie movie was released in the late 1990s. Since then, she has been the lead actor in several popular series, including “Russian Doll” and the latest one “Poker Face”. It is an enjoyable show about an amateur detective who helps catch criminals. Did AI do a good job when generating Lyonne’s NFTs? We think, yes. Her long, curly ginger hair makes her recognizable in a flash.
 Natasha Lyonne’s NFTs. Source: AI-Generated NFTs

Natasha Lyonne’s NFTs. Source: AI-Generated NFTs