🚀 Uniswap Introduces Fee for Swaps

postedΒ  17 Oct 2023
Photo - Uniswap Introduces Fee for Swaps
Starting from October 17th, Uniswap Labs will implement a 0.15% fee on swaps conducted via their web app and wallet. This fee applies to ETH, USDC, WETH, USDT, DAI, WBTC, agEUR, GUSD, LUSD, EUROC, and XSGD.

Currently, 35% to 40% of transaction volume on Uniswap goes through its front end. 

This fee is separate from the Uniswap Protocol fee switch, which is determined by UNI token governance.

β€œThis interface fee is one of the lowest in the industry, and it will allow us to continue to research, develop, build, ship, improve, and expand crypto and DeFi.” - says founder of Uniswap.

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