The Simulation: An AI Startup Shaping the Future of Humanity

Photo - The Simulation: An AI Startup Shaping the Future of Humanity
If "Westworld" captivated your imagination, get ready to be fascinated by "The Simulation." It is an extraordinary universe where the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds intertwine. Here, you'll encounter the first truly intelligent virtual beings, creating a realm unlike any other.
Simulation Inc (Fable), the visionary company behind The Simulation, aims to redefine the contours of existence. This team of innovators, futurists, and creators is crafting a one-of-a-kind universe that goes beyond a mere virtual space filled with game characters. The project is pushing the boundaries of what is possible, introducing a whole new level of virtual experience unlike anything seen before.
“Our mission, as audacious as it is intriguing, is to birth a new kind of life: the world's first genuinely intelligent AI virtual beings. Each one, a mirror of the human psyche, navigating the tumultuous seas of emotions and experiences in a digital cosmos of our creation,”
assert the project's creators.
The Simulation is giving birth to worlds inhabited by intelligent virtual beings. Source:

The Simulation is giving birth to worlds inhabited by intelligent virtual beings. Source:

In July 2023, Fable unveiled a unique technology, AI Showrunner, a subject we've touched upon in a prior review. It employs artificial intelligence to generate full-scale episodes of TV series, starring virtual renditions of users as the main characters. Unlike other comparable solutions, AI Showrunner crafts coherent and sequential narratives that adhere to the stylistic nuances of the selected project and align with its storyline. This was aptly demonstrated with the "South Park" episodes.

However, AI Showrunner is just the first step in Fable's journey to integrate artificial intelligence into our daily lives. The Simulation pledges a much more vivid experience, offering full immersion into a simulation populated by virtual characters who are intelligent and completely autonomous.

Bringing the Futuristic Park Concept of "Westworld" to Life

It's important to note straightaway that Fable is a tangible company with a very real CEO, Edward Saatchi, formerly a producer at Oculus Story Studio. In contrast, The Simulation is their virtual entertainment venture, led by a simulation CEO named Julian B. Adler.
“And meet Julian B Adler - an AI inside the simulation — he and his AI team will be characters in the AI game/product who will guide players through creating simulations, how Showrunner AI works, training AIs - think of him and their team as Dr Robert Ford/ Delos in Westworld and creators as new employees learning the ropes of building a simulation,”
as stated in the project’s Twitter account.
Julian B. Adler, Founder and CEO of The Simulation Source:

Julian B. Adler, Founder and CEO of The Simulation Source:

Fable's new venture is a wholly simulated world, evolving organically, with its foundations firmly rooted in the actions of its players. It's not just a fascinating digital journey, but also a platform for fostering collective artificial intelligence. This is made possible as a myriad of users train their respective AI versions.

Within The Simulation, users have the autonomy to create worlds, characters, and elements. As a result, the spectrum of potential narratives and events that participants can encounter expands.

The project's creators openly attribute their inspiration to "Westworld". However, they underscore that they're drawing from the series' more notable episodes. The Simulation has announced the forthcoming launch of three distinct worlds:

  • Mars Base 56 (slated for 2025)
  • Dodge City (also planned for 2025)
  • Animal Kingdom (set for 2026)
Worlds of The Simulation Source: https://www.thesimulation

Worlds of The Simulation Source: https://www.thesimulation